Sunday Funday
What a great week-
Thank you to all the veterans who served within our community and the country as well!
Service to others means you are doing something primarily for the benefit and goodwill of another person or group of people. When we serve, we look outside of ourself, beyond our own problems, and seek to bring value to others. Hopefully we all thanks a veteran and always do!
Training –
Training What We Need?
So, what do we need? For the overwhelming majority of you who come to the gym, your desire is a well-rounded base of fitness that lets you shred outside the gym regardless of the activity. We try to balance out general weaknesses so that we can all be more well rounded. Of course if we have specific things we want to work on getting a coach for a PT session is always the way to go!
Embrace the days you’re not a huge fan of. Remember, it’s not about some insane peak performance every day you come to the gym. Each week you will have workouts that you REALLY enjoy, and others that you may not enjoy. The value is in the journey, enjoying the process, and seeing the benefit of working all areas of fitness.
Coach Terry